Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Developments: Venue & Dress

I have made an appointment with the Camrose Hill Flowers lady ("Mary"). I'm FAIRLY sure that it's set -- I've been playing phone tag with her, and the last I heard from her, she said Tuesday the 16th was good, and she had times at 11 and 1PM, so I called her back and told her 1PM was good. I haven't heard back from her, so I'm assuming she received the message, but I'll call her on Monday just to make sure we're all set.

I also spoke with a friend of mine who apparently already went to see Camrose for her wedding. She said the area and land was gorgeous and that if you do take it, there will be little to no need for any extra decorations. The downsides to the property were mostly minor, such as the fact that Mary doesn't allow outside flowers (so your bouquet will have to be through her). The biggest downside to the property is that she has no public access restrooms, so there would be an additional fee of renting a nice restroom option.

Alyssa said she remembered the pricing being around $1500 for both the garden and the reception barn for the day, and that was on a Saturday. It's likely that it will be much cheaper for a Friday or Sunday. Also, if the decoration is essentially provided for, you will already be saving money by not buying that. It is a little spendy, but it's also a gorgeous venue and I think it's worth going to take a look.

I also contacted Maggie Schultz, the seamstress, and sent her the photos of the JCrew dresses you liked. She guestimated it would be about $50-$100 for fabric (depending on what kind of fabric you want it made of) and she would charge around $20/hr for the labor. I asked her to put together some mock-up sketches and get some quotes, and put together a portfolio, and I would arrange a meeting for the two of you.

Anywho, that's the update for now!


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